The After Party’s Impact

Our Mantua Creek EPC church plant just finished hosting The After Party, a six-session course about politics, partisanship, division in our day, and how these affect us.

I was so encouraged by the content and the diversity of folks who attended. We had fifteen live, three online, and eight of those who attended live were not from our church. Two were from our host church, Southwood Baptist, that sadly just shut down. Gratefully, however, they gave their facility to a great church nearby called Crossbridge. One from our group, one of the kindest, identified as an atheist. Another is a Christian, but not one who currently attends church. Our group was racially diverse and included individuals from both NJ and DE. The ages ranged from 17-84! And we even had the honor of having a Democratic councilwoman from Gloucester County participate with us.

On the last day of class, I asked attendees to share how the content of the course and their interaction with others impacted them. Here are some of their responses:

  • “It has been a pleasure to meet and study with fellow Christians in a relaxed atmosphere. As Southwood is now closed for worship, we feel somewhat adrift as we are not yet settled into another church. Thank you for welcoming us.” -Connie
  • “Was a helpful conversation starter leading to discussion with non-Christians about the activities at my church. It has also helped me identify how much fear and hopelessness I have been carrying, reminding me of the true and final solution- Jesus and his final kingdom.” -Anna
  • “This course has helped me to express myself to strangers and to listen to their thoughts and ideas. It made me think. I enjoyed it.” -Jim
  • “It encouraged me in hope to see the Spirit is moving other Christians around how to be more faithful in politics.” -Scott
  • “I like thinking about and valuing the ‘how’ over the ‘what’ of politics, parties, and beliefs. It leaves the door open to understanding others a bit more deeply and requires you to approach things more humbly.” -Krista
  • “This was a very positive class. It was good to have group discussion and hear other opinions. I always knew that people cared ‘so much’ about politics, but this was eye-opening to realize it truly runs so deep. My awareness is heightened over how strongly and wrongly we can hold on to our issues and our political beliefs. While doing our part and voting is vitally important, it is just not that serious.” -Deanna
  • “It softened me to perspectives that are different from my own, in the sense that I’m more patient engaging in political discussions.” -Tom
  • “This course was a powerful reminder of what the true After Party is. It renewed my hope not in the 2024 election cycle, but rather in the power of Jesus through the way he loves us and calls us to love others. It really is so much easier and more motivating to fight for peace and not a president.” -Pam
  • “It’s been an honor for our church to host this course and help the Church take a stand in politics as a healing community—one that follows Jesus, not some partisan agenda. The diversity of those who participated encouraged me and I saw a few friends I hadn’t in some time. I felt proud to be part of the Church in a way I don’t always feel.” -Greg
  • “The past few weeks have been extremely difficult for my family and me, and having this course as a constant has helped stabilize me. It’s also taught me more about how to treat difficult conversations, political or otherwise, in a different way than I have before, which I’m glad for. It’s also given me perspective on my ‘exhausted’ profile and introspection, helping me understand why I feel that way. Overall, I’m extremely grateful for this course.” -Reid

I hope you’re encouraged by these stories, and regardless of whether or not your candidate won this week, I pray we’ll all embrace more of the spirit captured in this psalm:

“Praise the LORD!

Blessed are those who fear the Lord,

who find great delight in his commands…

Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,

for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,

who conduct their affairs with justice.

Surely the righteous will never be shaken;

they will be remembered forever.

They will have no fear of bad news;

their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord…”

Psalm 112:1, 4-7, ESV.