Christian Nationalism’s Blending or Blurring Problem

I want to thank those who’ve contributed to the definition below and continue to invite others to send any push-back or enhancements: Christian Nationalism is a subtle form of idolatry that blends patriotism with Christianity in such a way that Jesus is no longer our first allegiance but some vision of a great America. It begins as a well-intentioned desire … Read More

The Problems with Single-Issue Voting

I’m not a fan of single-issue voting, especially the kind that seeks to intimidate and impose one person or group’s convictions on another. Like other forms of fundamentalism, it tends to oversimplify reality, ignore a forest of other issues, dumb people down into clones, alienate upcoming generations who prioritize differently, and judge others who don’t think as they do. As … Read More

Gospel Transformation vs. Politics

As a minister of the gospel serving at the center of the pro-life movement, I often used the phrase “non-political” to distance myself from unhelpful associations with white Republicanism and single-issue voting. Additionally, as a “never-Trumper,” I did it to protect myself from being canceled by many in my own network. I say this last statement not to disparage those … Read More

Misplaced Priorities

“O grant us help against the foe, for human help is worthless. With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes.” Psalm 60:11-12, NRSV One of the more troubling but deeply revealing emails I received while serving at the center of the pro-life movement was from a dear mom whom I’ll call Sarah. Choosing … Read More

Come Thou Long Expected Better King and Government

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order … Read More

Ten Things I Like About Being Presbyterian

Heaven have mercy on us all—Presbyterians and pagans alike—for we are all somehow dreadfully cracked about the head, and sadly need mending. –Herman Melville, Moby Dick We have cool movies associated with us like A River Runs Through It. Directed by Robert Redford, this movie is based on the 1976 semi-autobiographical novel by Norman Maclean. Our idiosyncrasies, stereotypes and foibles bring a … Read More