Last week I gave a few challenges to my Baptist friends. This week I want to give some similar love to my fellow paedo-baptist church leaders. Specifically, I want to talk about the critical need for intentionality in encouraging and facilitating professions of faith from non-communicant members. [BTW, “non-communicant members,” a term we’ll discuss below, are those who’ve been baptized … Read More
Baptism & Its’ Significance, Part 6 of 6
One Final Concern- The Critical Need for Intentionality on the Part of Church Leadership in Encouraging and Facilitating “Profession of Faiths” from Non-Communicant Members: Karl Barth wrote one of the most important works on baptism in the last century. In it, he gave a scathing critique of infant baptism (yet, interestingly, he was not in favor of abandoning the practice). Two … Read More
Baptism & Its Significance, Part 4 of 6
Why should it be done? This is really the most important issue. What exactly does baptism do? Why is it important? Does baptism make someone a Christian? Does it actually have the power to save someone? On these last two questions, the answer is no as our salvation is only by the sacrifice of Christ made for us on the … Read More