In Pursuit of Authentic Worship, Part 1

Some church services make me want to run from Christians rather than worship God. Just last month I attended a service led by a black guy on rhythm guitar, a barefoot white girl with an amazing voice, and an Asian on lead guitar. In the background, a keyboardist, bassist, and drummer added to the combined musicianship, which was first-rate. This … Read More

Why Reading is So Important

***This is the last in a four-part series and has been updated with recommendations for teens.[1] It was originally written in September 2009 for my children. Dear Emily, Matt, and Tim, I know I harp on you more often than you would like about not reading enough, watching too much TV, or spending hours playing video games.   I also know you … Read More

Reading the Classics to Your Kids (& Grandkids!)

***This piece, the third in a four-part series, has been updated, but was originally written in October 2004. It is dedicated to my sister, Victoria Austen-Moon (pictured below) who has a Master’s in Creative Writing and was a voracious reader before her accident in 2012. Unfortunately, this is the only piece we ever collaborated on. Part of raising children who … Read More

How to Enjoy Reading More

***This article is the second in a four-part series. I can build a bookcase better than most (yeah, that’s me over 20 years ago!), but I hang my hat with those who identify as “slow readers.”  Often, I must read something over several times to understand it. Nevertheless, I have come to love reading. Yes, enjoying reading more is a … Read More

For the Love of Books

*** This post is the first in a four-part series. Summer is a great time to encourage yourself, your kids, or grandkids to read more. One thing my mom did early on to instill a life-long love of reading in my sister and me involved summer vacations, the library, and a little ice cream shop named Daniel’s. Each year, our … Read More

Good Fathers Help Us Get God’s Love

I had a good father. Among other things, he taught me to fish, split wood, and work hard. He believed in doing things well and would often say, “It is easier to do something right the first time than to explain why you didn’t.” He was part of a generation of men where women were the primary nurturers and men … Read More

Stick Around for a While and Find Out

“Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance … Read More

Competing with Wonder Woman

June 3, 2017 As I launch a blog, one of the questions at the forefront of my mind is “how do I get people to care about it?”  “How does it not get lost in the “Borg” of the internet or the busyness of our lives?”  Further, regardless of whether the content is good or not, I know I am competing … Read More