Join Us for The After Party!

Hey Friends, I’m in the middle of 4-5 weeks of 6-7-day work weeks, full of out-of-state travel, mostly related to carpentry and fundraising. Gratefully, I’m in good spirits but would appreciate your prayers for strength and steadiness. Although it’s a busy season, God has given me several tangible encouragements lately, and I love the fall. I’m also really excited about … Read More

Discussion Questions Added to Christian Nationlism Booklet

Hi Friends, a couple of good reviews were posted this week here, and I have added questions for small group discussion below. I also formally added these questions to the books for purchase; they should be live within the next few days. Please let me know if you have any others that you think would be good to include. Thanks … Read More

Christian Nationalism: A Constructive Conversation’s Impact

Hi All, This has been a busy week but I at least wanted to touch base with some of the fruit from Christian Nationalism: A Constructive Conversation: Thanks so much for your help in promoting the book! Also, if you’ve purchased a copy and read it, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. This helps so much and below are … Read More

How Baptists Helped the Church, But Overcorrected

As I continue to prepare Mantua Creek for a baptismal service on 9.15 and make some updates to Baptism and Its Significance, this week we’ll explore this question: How did the Baptist perspective on baptism offer an important corrective to the Church at a key moment in history, but then go too far?“ Derek Radney, Pastor at Trinity Church (PCA) … Read More

Making the Most of Your Child’s Baptism

Take a baptism class and/or read through and discuss a booklet like the one you’re reading now. Work with your pastor to make the service special. As a pastor, I make up special certificates for each person being baptized with my signature. [Tip: Just type printable baptismal certificate template in your computer’s search engine and you will get lots of ... Read More

Did the First Baptists Baptize by Immersion?

“A strange view held by many Baptists: Only immersion counts as real/valid baptism, but grape juice instead of wine will suffice in communion.” -Derek Radney, Pastor at Trinity Church (PCA) in Winston-Salem, NC In preparation for a Mantua Creek baptismal service on Sunday, September 15th hosted by our parent church, Ashland Church, I’m adding some updates to the constructive conversation … Read More

New Resource Available!

Hi All! Christian Nationalism: A Constructive Conversation is now available for purchase! It represents the most important thing I’ve wanted to say to the American church in this cultural moment. It’s also intimately tied to my journey as a national leader in the pro-life movement for six-and-a-half years, as well as my present work as a church planter. You can … Read More

The Best Alternative to Christian Nationalism

One more week till release! And I’ve included another excerpt from “Chapter 4: Danger #3: The Domination Problem” below. In many ways, whether we see Christian nationalism’s desire for political domination (primacy of place) as a problem or not comes down to whether or not we’re comfortable with living in a liberal democracy where all American citizens, not just Christians, … Read More