The heavens declare the glory of God,
Psalm 19:1-3, ESV
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.
Hi All,
Updates to the Genesis 1 and Science booklet in the Constructive Conversations series are now live and ready for some good authentic reviews!
Here’s the new description:
“It’s well known that many abandon faith because of science and faith being at war with one another. This war, however, is not only unnecessary, it’s based in fiction. Further, it’s a fiction fanned into flame by certain isolated and anti-intellectual streams of Christianity that are fixated on misinformed—albeit, well-intentioned, overly-literal readings of ancient texts (e.g. Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum, etc.).
Substantive, yet extremely readable, this booklet engages respectfully with serious voices like Ken Ham and even silly ones like Nacho Libre! If you’re open to being challenged, or having your faith reignited or reenergized, come hear afresh the awe-inspiring message of the first chapter of the Bible.”
And here are the chapter titles:
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Why I Changed My Mind
- Chapter 3: Thinking Biblically About God’s Six-day Work Week
- Chapter 4: Why a Closer Reading of Genesis 1-2 Suggests an Old Earth
- Chapter 5: God’s Awe-Inspiring Handiwork and Time
- Chapter 6: Responding to Ken Ham and Common Young Earth Creationist’s (YEC) Objections
- Chapter 7: A Final Plea to Handle Both Science and Scripture Honorably
- Bonus Track 1: Shortened Life Spans or Window of Grace?
- Bonus Track 2: How Death is a Pre-Fall Reality that Points to Us to Christ
- Bonus Track 3: More on Reading Genesis 1 with Saint Augustine
This booklet contributes directly to the DNA and impact of what we’re trying to do through the Mantua Creek church plant.
As you know, getting things read on Amazon without lots of positive reviews is impossible. And, you can’t post a review as a “verified purchaser” without making a purchase. You can now do that for as little as $5.99 here. If you would be so kind as to purchase, read, and post a review, I would be extremely grateful.
Again, please be authentic in your reviews and if you have any suggestions for improvement, please let me know. As we begin this Advent season, I hope you find the reading experience not only challenging and enjoyable but also worshipful.
May God bless the work of our hands and thanks in advance for your help!