Carpenter Theologian Blog

In a fragmented age of outrage, alternative facts, and erosion of belief, this space seeks to build and strengthen the faith of those called to be “in the world but not of it.”  In fact, everything here is written for you and those you love—indeed, all those that are born to thrive in and influence this cultural moment.


Click the link below to find a topical index of all our weekly blog posts and categories. You can find posts on Acceptance, Addiction, Baptism, Humility, Marriage, and more.


Explore your toughest questions and struggles, as well as grow your faith in practical and encouraging ways.


One of our most popular sections, “Family” is a walkthrough of topics to help us all better navigate marriage and parenthood in a way that honors Christ and handles the Bible correctly.


Churches face a lot of challenges today. This section features, among other things, conversations on hot topics like race, the authority of the Bible, sexuality, creation vs. evolution, abortion, and how to best pass on faith to the next generation.

The Church can be a mess…

and—worse—a real source of misery. I know. I’ve experienced it. There are tons of hypocrites and even dangerous wolves in sheep’s clothing. Many who rail against “the godless,” but are strangely drawn to conspiracy theories and lies. Lots of folks that are afraid of mainstream science and of learning from “secular” people.

How I Became a Christian Despite the Church is my story of finding God despite the isolated, fear-based, get-a-scalp-on-your-belt-for-Jesus, fun-sucking culture that my parents were part of. It’s the story of how my childhood pastor and his despotic wife terrorized and abused their foster children, as well as others.

Shame, abuse, and especially distorted views of sex are a big part of my story. As is sorting out beliefs, emotions, desires, and actions to relearn how to be human. Amidst the macabre and the dissonance, however, you’ll also find refrains of hope, a reasonable faith, and love.

Although the book is a roadmap of healing and growth for all, it’s especially written for those who’ve been grown up in religious environments that have left them empty at best or crushed at worst. If you’re searching for better answers, a cure for pain, or are just curious to see how bad it could be, this book is for you.

In our Handmaid’s Tale era, that is bent on eradicating patriarchy and leaning into equality, many have lost sight of the unique and irreplaceable role of dads. Even those who champion the importance of good dads, however, are asking “How do we chart a course forward that celebrates both dads and moms, staying clear of toxic expressions of masculinity?”

In a rigorous, yet accessible way, Irreplaceable: Recovering God’s Heart for Dads tackles questions like this and others such as: Where does the fire come from to be the best parents we can be? How do we give our kids best and help them succeed? And what if we’ve been wounded or our father was absent? How do we heal from our pain and not pass it on?

The fruit of Dr. Greg Austen’s decades of vocational work, doctoral research, and personal experience, Irreplaceable will help you wrestle with some of the toughest issues of our times. For some, that will mean climbing out of the swamp of fundamentalism with a renewed and more accurate biblical and historical perspective. For others, it will mean returning to God’s ancient paths with a fresh appreciation for His ways. For all, this book will inspire and heal, helping you not only make better sense of your journey, but also find joy as you pass on an irreplaceable legacy.